The rhomboideus muscle in horses is a muscle located in the upper back region, between the scapula (shoulder blade) and the spine. Here are some key facts about the rhomboideus muscle in horses:
The Location and Anatomy of the mucsle:
- The rhomboideus muscle is divided into two parts in horses: the rhomboideus thoracis and the rhomboideus cervicis. The rhomboideus thoracis is the larger portion and extends from the withers and upper thoracic vertebrae to the medial border of the scapula. The rhomboideus cervicis is located more cranially (towards the head) and extends from the lower cervical vertebrae to the medial border of the scapula.
what is the Function:
- The rhomboideus muscle plays a role in stabilising and retracting the scapula. It works together with other muscles in the shoulder region to facilitate the movement and coordination of the forelimbs. The rhomboideus muscle helps in pulling the scapula towards the midline of the horse's body, which is important for maintaining balance and supporting the weight of the rider.
here is the Development and Conditioning:
- The development and conditioning of the rhomboideus muscle can influence the horse's movement and performance. Strengthening exercises that engage the rhomboideus muscle, such as lateral work and collection, can contribute to enhanced stability, coordination, and responsiveness in the forelimbs.
- The rhomboideus muscle is an integral component of the horse's shoulder and back musculature. Its proper development and function contribute to the horse's overall athleticism and ability to perform various tasks.
here is some useful added information...
- Innervation:
The rhomboideus muscle in horses is innervated by branches of the dorsal scapular nerve, which arises from the cervical spinal nerves. The nerve fibers provide the necessary motor innervation for the contraction and control of the muscle.
- Importance for Collection:
The rhomboideus muscle plays a significant role in collection, a movement where the horse carries more weight on their hindquarters, lifts the back, and flexes the joints of the hind limbs. When engaged and properly conditioned, the rhomboideus muscle assists in stabilizing the shoulder and supporting the elevated frame of the horse during collected movements.
- Role in Equine Therapy:
The rhomboideus muscle can be a target for massage and therapy techniques in horses. Tension or trigger points in this muscle can lead to discomfort or restricted movement. Therapeutic interventions, such as massage, stretching, or targeted exercises, can help alleviate muscle tension and promote relaxation and suppleness in the rhomboideus muscle.
- Muscle Imbalances and Lameness:
Imbalances or weakness in the rhomboideus muscle can contribute to issues with the horse's movement and potentially lead to lameness. Proper conditioning and training, along with regular veterinary check-ups, can help identify and address any imbalances or weaknesses in the rhomboideus muscle to support the horse's overall musculoskeletal health.
Rhomboideus info...